The L3 Roadway to Success
Whether you are studying for exams, wanting to get your drivers license or just keen to expand your skills and knowledge in an area of interest, the L3 Map of SuccessTM shows the crucial steps along the journey to success. You are in the drivers seat and following these 6R’s can ensure the journey is as smooth as possible.
#1R: Have a Reason to learn.

The L3 Map of Success © Karen Tui Boyes
The why is the most important part of your learning success. Why are you learning the information? What will you gain, or avoid, by learning? It is well known that the two biggest human motivators are to either avoid pain or gain pleasure. Why are you learning the information? To pass your exams to get ahead in life? To avoid looking stupid in front of your family and friends? To have your drivers license to gain independence or avoid the embarrassment of your parents? Your why must be yours. Goal setting is important here. The more specific you can be with your goals and the why you want to achieve them, the easier it is to focus and achieve.
#2R: Know the Rules of learning to learn.
Along your journey to success, it is useful to pack a bag of learning strategies. Here it is beneficial to understand your best learning styles, how your memory works – as exams are firstly memory tests, and know how best to take effective notes, read and comprehend quickly and set up a study environment to maximise your learning.
#3R: Ensure you have the correct Resources you require.
Once you know why you want to learn something and how to learn it, you now require the resources to do this. These may be given by a teacher, something you search on the internet, books you purchase such as the road code, or old exam papers to help orientate yourself in the subject. Resources also includes the people who can assist you on your journey. Just like all top athletes have a coach, successful students see the support of their teacher, parents, peers or a tutor as essential for success. Who might be some of your support team to help you acheive your goals?
#4R: The Repetition of practice.
This is where the real work starts. It requires effort and focus to actually learn the information. Study tips such as “Learn the information you DON’T know” are critical here. Practicing and rehearsing what you already know is a total waste of time. You already know it! Yes it makes you feel good to go over what you know, however it is not learning. Learning what you don’t know is hard and here the study tip “Everything is hard before it is easy” comes into play. To get to easy you have to go through hard. At this stage of the learning journey, it is important to understand it will take repetition, effort and practice. At this stage, you might get someone to test you to see if you know the information. Remember that exams are testing your memory, and you will not have the information in front of you to trigger memory. Cover your work and check you can recall it. Now can you recall it a day later, a week later and a month later? At this stage, you may have to develop strategies such as persistence – sticking to the task, managing your impulsivity – avoiding distractions, thinking flexibly – learning it another way, or resilience – the bounce back factor when learning gets hard and challenging. An important part to understand is learning takes time, and little by little you will be making progress.
#5R: Reflection and feedback.
At all stages of your learning journey take time to stop and reflect on where you are at and your next steps. Ask yourself some questions about your progress: Are you heading towards your goal or away? Where do you need to place more time and effort? If you are not sure, your mid term exams can help with this. Your marks will be an indication if you are on track or not, highlighting which subjects you need to spend more time on, need to ask more questions, request further resources or tutoring and which subjects you can relax a little in. Give extra attention to the feedback teachers are giving you on your work. Which study tips are working and what is distracting you from your learning. Be mindful of your own actions and how they are helping or hindering you. You may need to go back to learn more of the rules of learning, gain more support from teachers or tutors or simply keep putting in the effort, practice and rehearsal to move yourself forward.
#6R: Celebrate your Results.
At this sixth step, it is meaningful to celebrate your results of success. Share your success with people who understand and have perhaps helped in the process. Take time to acknowledge the journey and the effort, and maybe the sacrifice and challenges you overcame to get to this point. Naturally what follows great results is a new goal to strive for. As Life Long Learners, there will be always more to learn, new heights to scale and new challenges to take on.
Remember you are in the drivers seat and in control of your learning and success.
** Karen facilitates webinars and staff development sessions covering all 6 areas within the L3 Map of Success.
Tags: 6R's, Karen Tui Boyes, L3 Map of Success, Life long learning, Study Smart, Success
Published on Thursday, May 24th, 2018, under Learning, Study Skills, Success